Stillbirth: Incidence, causes and risk factors. 1992-1993 National Hospital Cayetano Heredia.


  • Jorge Salvador Médico asistente, Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia, Departamento de Ginecología y Obstetricia, Lima
  • Eduardo Maradiegue Jefe de Departamento Ginecología y Obstetricia, Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia, Lima



In order to determine the incidence, causes and risk factors associated to fetal death, trying to establish what the change would be in the study population if a factor is neutralized, a prospective study of the cohort type was held in the National Hospital Cayetano Heredia, based on the analysis of perinatal data computer system of all births in the years 1992 - 1993. 192 stillbirths found a total of 8309 births, fetal death rate of 23.1 per 1000 born. The causes of death are infection (28%), hemorrhage (20%) and toxemia (14%). Risk factors of fetal death are: kill-multiparity (RR 2.3), induced labor (RR = 3.5), CPN (RR = 4), breech presentation (RR = 5.1), maternal diseases (RR = 5.5), preterm delivery (RR = 17). Maternal disease, the most important were: bleeding in the second quarter (RR = 19), preterm delivery (RR = 10.6), HTT (RR = 8.5), other infections (RR = 5.8) , eclampsia (RR = 5.7), IUGR (RR = 4), multiple pregnancy (RR = 3.4), RPM (RR = 2), fetales- maternal LBW (RR = 22), prematurity (RR = 21 ), PEG (RR = 6), fetales.- congenital malformations (RR = 5.2). The risk factors to be modified produce a greater reduction of fetal death are: BPN (RAP = 0.65), CPN (RAP = O, 65), preterm delivery (RAP = O, 64), maternal pathology (RAP = 0.59). prematurity (RAP = 0.58), PEG (RAP = 0.23), breech (RAP = 0.16 HTT (RAP = 0.13), preterm labor (RAP = 0.120) and RPM (RAP:. 0 09).


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How to Cite

Salvador, J., & Maradiegue, E. (2015). Stillbirth: Incidence, causes and risk factors. 1992-1993 National Hospital Cayetano Heredia. The Peruvian Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 40(1), 60–67.



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