Three years of experience with medicated intrauterine device with copper (TCu-380A) at the National Hospital Loayza Archbishop


  • Francisco Escudero Servicio de Planificación Familiar, Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza, Lima, Perú
  • Laura Delgadillo Servicio de Planificación Familiar, Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza, Lima, Perú
  • Arturo Villena Servicio de Planificación Familiar, Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza, Lima, Perú



OBJETIVE. To know efficacy acceptability and causes of discontinuation in IUD users. SETING. Family Planning Service at ALAIH. MALTERIAL AND METHODS. During 1992-1994, 3706 TCu-380A IUDs were inserted to healthy patients, 3167 intergenesic, with prior information and normal gynecological exam; controls were monthly, semestral and annual to determine secondary effects and cause and date of discontinuation. Rates were estimated by year and total accumulation and reasons of discontinuation by life-table survival analysis. RESULTS. From 3167 women, 361 discontinued for different reasons, 1667 continued use and 1139 did not return to control. Discontinuation at three years was 24,8% per 100 woman-year use, because of pregnancy 1,10 (n=16), IUD expulsion 10,19 (n=148), pain 1,17 (n=17), abnormal vaginal bleeding 1,99 (n=29), pelvic infection 1,44 (n=21), personal reasons 8,73 (n=127), and medical reasons 0,19 (n=3); accumulated total conttinuity use rate was 75,1. CONCLUSIONS. Efficacy of TCu-380A IUD is similar to that reported by other investigators. Loss to follow-up is high, especially during the first year.


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How to Cite

Escudero, F., Delgadillo, L., & Villena, A. (2015). Three years of experience with medicated intrauterine device with copper (TCu-380A) at the National Hospital Loayza Archbishop. The Peruvian Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 44(2), 114–117.



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