In vitro oocyte maturation combined with extended blastocyst embryo culture - Report of the first baby born in Peru


  • Luis Guzmán PRANOR, Grupo de Reproducción Asistida, San Isidro, Lima, Perú
  • Milthon Mestanza PRANOR, Grupo de Reproducción Asistida, San Isidro, Lima, Perú
  • Naomi Inoue PRANOR, Grupo de Reproducción Asistida, San Isidro, Lima, Perú
  • Denisse Nuñez PRANOR, Grupo de Reproducción Asistida, San Isidro, Lima, Perú
  • Jimmy Portella PRANOR, Grupo de Reproducción Asistida, San Isidro, Lima, Perú
  • Luis Noriega Hoces PRANOR, Grupo de Reproducción Asistida, San Isidro, Lima, Perú; Clínica Concebir, San Isidro, Lima, Perú



In vitro oocyte maturation is not yet considered a well-established technique in in vitro fertilization (IVF) laboratories. This is due to a lower pregnancy rates. However in the last few years, reports have shown similar pregnancy rates compared to the conventional IVF techniques. The current report describes the first baby born after an IVM treatment in combination with extended blastocyst culture in Peru.


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How to Cite

Guzmán, L., Mestanza, M., Inoue, N., Nuñez, D., Portella, J., & Noriega Hoces, L. (2017). In vitro oocyte maturation combined with extended blastocyst embryo culture - Report of the first baby born in Peru. The Peruvian Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 62(4), 433–437.



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