Sensitivity of transvaginal ultrasound and hysterosonography compared with hysteroscopy in infertility patients


  • Roly Hilario Centro de Fertilidad PROCREAR Lima, Perú
  • Julio Dueñas Centro de Fertilidad PROCREAR Lima, Perú
  • Edgar Gurreonero Centro de Fertilidad PROCREAR Lima, Perú
  • Rita De los Santos Médico Residente de Ginecología, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Puno, Perú



Objective: To determine the diagnostic sensitivity of transvaginal ultrasonography and sonohysterography compared with hysteroscopy in patients with infertility. Design: Descriptive study. Setting: Procrear Fertility Clinic, Lima, Peru. Participants: Women with infertility. Methods: Between January and December 2 013 patients studied for infertility underwent surgical hysteroscopy; corresponding transvaginal ultrasound and hysterosonography prior to surgery were analyzed for most frequent diagnoses and sensitivity of the studies. Analysis was done using SPSS 15 software. Main outcome measures: Sensitivity of hysteroscopy, transvaginal ultrasound, and hysterosonography. Results: One hundred and eighteen surgical hysteroscopies were performed. Prior transvaginal ultrasound had sensitivity of 44.9% (53/118) for any abnormalities in regards to hysteroscopy, and sonohysterography had sensitivity of 95.7% (113/118). Hysteroscopic findings were endometrial polyp in 74 (62.7%), uterine synechiae in 30 cases (25.4%), submucosal fibroids in 12 (10.2%) and other in 2 cases (1.7%). In relation to uterine synechiae, transvaginal ultrasound alone had sensitivity of 10% and hysterosonography sensitivity of 86.6%, and transvaginal ultrasound had sensitivity of 45.3% and hysterosonography sensitivity of 93% for endometrial polyps along with submucosal fibroids. Conclusions: Hysterosonography had better sensitivity than transvaginal ultrasonography for detecting endometrial pathology affecting fertility. It also assessed endocervical permeability, suggesting its value in the study of women with infertility.


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How to Cite

Hilario, R., Dueñas, J., Gurreonero, E., & De los Santos, R. (2015). Sensitivity of transvaginal ultrasound and hysterosonography compared with hysteroscopy in infertility patients. The Peruvian Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 61(2), 105–109.



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