Genital tuberculosis in the third trimester of pregnancy. Case report and review of the literature


  • Juan C. Rojas-Ruiz Médico Especialista en Ginecología y Obstetricia, Subespecialista en Biología de la Reproducción Humana, Doctor en Gestión Pública y Gobernabilidad, Docente de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
  • Edwars S. Núñez-Acevedo Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
  • Gonzalo Caro-Alvarado Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
  • Xanadu Salazar-Cuba Médico Especialista en Ginecología y Obstetricia
  • Robert P. Ángeles-Reyes Universidad César Vallejo



Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Tuberculosis, genital, Pregnancy, third trimester


Tuberculosis is one of the main causes of death generated by an infectious agent
worldwide. It usually affects the lungs, but under certain circumstances it can
spread through the lymphatic or blood routes and affect distant tissues or organs.
In pregnancy it can cause multiple maternal and neonatal complications. Despite
being an important public health problem, there is currently insufficient evidence in
the guidelines on the epidemiology, diagnostic flow chart and treatment of genital
tuberculosis in pregnancy. A case of genital tuberculosis in the third trimester of
pregnancy with a torpid evolution is presented, with difficulty in diagnosis and delay
in the establishment of treatment.


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How to Cite

Rojas-Ruiz, J. C. ., Núñez-Acevedo, E. S. ., Caro-Alvarado, G. ., Salazar-Cuba, X. ., & Ángeles-Reyes, R. P. . (2023). Genital tuberculosis in the third trimester of pregnancy. Case report and review of the literature. The Peruvian Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 69(4).



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