Thoracoamniotic shunt for fetal hydrothorax: A case report


  • Erasmo Huertas Tacchino Médico Ginecólogo Obstetra, Jefe del Servicio de Perinatología, Clínica San Felipe; Profesor Asociado, Facultad de Medicina Humana, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Adelita Hijar Sifuentes Médico Ginecólogo Obstetra, Staff del Servicio de Perinatología, Clínica San Felipe
  • José Carlos Elias Estrada Médico Ginecólogo Obstetra, Staff del Servicio de Perinatología, Clínica San Felipe
  • Igor Huerta Sáenz Médico Ginecólogo Obstetra, Staff del Servicio de Perinatología, Clínica San Felipe
  • Armando Florez Mendoza Médico Ginecólogo Obstetra, Staff del Servicio de Perinatología, Clínica San Felipe



We report a case of massive unilateral hydrothorax diagnosed in an 18-weeks-old fetus with a normal karyotype. The fetus was severely affected by hydrops and bradycardia since week 24. Initially, we performed pleurodesis, but the hydrothorax worsened and evolved into hydrops, so we proceeded to insert a transplacental thoracoamniotic shunt. Improvement was evident one week after the procedure, and the hydrothorax resolved during the remainder of the pregnancy. Following cesarean delivery at 37 weeks, the neonate required prolonged NICU stay. He was discharged after two months and remains stable until the present time.


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How to Cite

Huertas Tacchino, E., Hijar Sifuentes, A., Elias Estrada, J. C., Huerta Sáenz, I., & Florez Mendoza, A. (2019). Thoracoamniotic shunt for fetal hydrothorax: A case report. The Peruvian Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 65(1), 93–97.



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