Reproductive future of patients treated for ectopic pregnancy.


  • Charles Osores Sociedad Peruana de Obstetricia y Ginecología, Lima
  • Luis Vera Sociedad Peruana de Obstetricia y Ginecología, Lima
  • Luis Távara Sociedad Peruana de Obstetricia y Ginecología, Lima



The reproductive possibilities of 92 patients with, ectopic pregnancy was studied. Ninety patients were followed for two years or more. Only 63 could become pregnant, as the other 27 had sterilization procedures or used contraceptive methods. Incidence of ectopic pregnancy at HAMA was 1 case in 147 deliveries, mainly in multiparous women 26 to 30 years old. Important past history revealed previous abortion (35,8%), ectopic inflammatory disease (10,9%), tuberculosis (4,3%), ectopic pregnancy (2,2%), uterine curettage (30,4%), cesarean section (6,0%), appendectomy (4,3%). Most frequent localization was the fallopian tube (88 cases) and 3 cases were in the ovary and one intraligamentary. Salpingectomy was the preferred treatment. Fifty seven of the 63 patients became pregnant with a total rate of 41,1% and corrected rate 58,7%; 21 patients bad a live newborn (23,3% total rate and 33% corrected rate), 6 patients aborted (1696), 10 patients bad another ectopic pregnancy (11% total rate and 27% corrected rate over 37 pregnancies), and the sterility rate was 28,8% (26 cases) with 41,3916 corrected rate. We conclude that ectopic pregnancy modifies the reproductive future of women. (Ginecol. Obstet. Peru 1994; 40: 40-44).


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How to Cite

Osores, C., Vera, L., & Távara, L. (2015). Reproductive future of patients treated for ectopic pregnancy. The Peruvian Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 40(1), 40–44.



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