Fetoscopic surgery in amniotic band syndrome: report of the first successful case in Peru with postnatal outcome at 6 and 12 months of life


  • Enrique Gil Guevara Médico Staff del Instituto Peruano de Medicina y Cirugía Fetal; Médico Staff de la Unidad de Medicina Materno Fetal, Clínica Delgado AUNA
  • Jairo Muñoz Acosta Médico Staff del Instituto Peruano de Medicina y Cirugía Fetal
  • Jeannette Marchena Arias Médico Staff del Instituto Peruano de Medicina y Cirugía Fetal; Médico Staff de la Unidad de Medicina Materno Fetal, Clínica Delgado AUNA
  • Oswaldo Gonzales Médico Staff del Instituto Peruano de Medicina y Cirugía Fetal; Médico Staff de la Unidad de Medicina Materno Fetal, Clínica Delgado AUNA
  • Leopoldo Acuña Médico Staff de la Unidad de Medicina Materno Fetal, Clínica Delgado AUNA
  • Carolina Chang Médico Staff de la Unidad de Medicina Materno Fetal, Clínica Delgado AUNA
  • Braowell Miranda Médico Staff de la Unidad de Medicina Materno Fetal, Clínica Delgado AUNA




Amniotic band syndrome, Amputation, Laceration, Fetus, Video-assisted surgery


Amniotic band syndrome (ABS) or amniotic band disruption complex is a congenital malformation that occurs because of amniotic flanges of heterogeneous etiology, a pathogenesis that involves a series of fetal clinical manifestations, such as constriction, amputation, and multiple craniofacial, visceral and wall defects. The estimated prevalence of ABS ranges from 1:15.000 to 1:1.200 liveborn. It affects both sexes equally. Prenatal diagnosis may be suspected as early as the late first trimester when ultrasound imaging detects constriction rings, limb amputations and/or craniofacial defects. Prenatal therapy may offer an alternative  treatment with release of constriction rings through fetoscopy in those fetuses that would benefit from the procedure.


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How to Cite

Gil Guevara, E., Muñoz Acosta, J., Marchena Arias, J., Gonzales, O., Acuña, L., Chang, C., & Miranda, B. (2022). Fetoscopic surgery in amniotic band syndrome: report of the first successful case in Peru with postnatal outcome at 6 and 12 months of life. The Peruvian Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 68(3). https://doi.org/10.31403/rpgo.v68i2433



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