Family Planning in Teens


  • Carlos Bachmann Sánchez Médico Jefe, Hospital Maternidad de Lima, Lima, Perú
  • Pedro Mascaro Sánchez Hospital Maternidad de Lima, Lima, Perú



The clinical study of 262 adolescent users IUD's served in the Maternity Hospital of Lima in the space of 20 months is carried out. 86% of these adolescents reported not having used any contraceptive method before. Postpartum 56% no longer wish to have more children and 44% want to space births. 24% of them presented obstetric history and where abortion prevailed. Cohabitants, mestizo and dedicated to household chores are the vast majority of them. 12 involuntary expulsions occurred, which gives a rate of 2.7 per 100 years of use. 20 extractions were performed by pain and bleeding which gives a rate of 4.6 per 100 years of use. Five pregnancies occurred, which gives a failure rate of 1.1 per 100 years of use. 86% of users had their first control and end of the study 23% of them had four controls.


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How to Cite

Bachmann Sánchez, C., & Mascaro Sánchez, P. (2015). Family Planning in Teens. The Peruvian Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 26(2), 33–39.



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