Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges in a case of disseminated parasitic, metastatic, peritoneal and peritoneal leiomyomatosis: a complex approach


  • Amalia Aranaz Murillo Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet
  • Gloria Oliveros Cartagena Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet
  • Julia Díaz Abad Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves
  • Susana Solanas Alava Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet
  • Elena Beltrán Murillo Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet
  • Antonio Martínez German Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet




Leiomyomatosis, Diagnosis, differential, Surgery


We describe a case presenting a rare combination of parasitic, metastasizing and
disseminated peritoneal leiomyomatosis, challenging diagnosis and treatment. The
patient initially presented with symptoms related to compression of pelvic structures,
followed by the appearance of leiomyomas in the abdominal wall and finally
leiomyomas distributed throughout the peritoneum and eventually associated with
ascites. The differential diagnosis is broad and complex and includes metastases
of primary tumors, among others. Moreover, the lack of a standard of treatment
underlines the complexity of these pathologies, advocating a comprehensive surgical
approach and considering pharmacological treatment options if there is gestational


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How to Cite

Aranaz Murillo, A. ., Oliveros Cartagena, G. ., Díaz Abad, J. ., Solanas Alava, S. ., Beltrán Murillo, E. ., & Martínez German, A. . (2024). Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges in a case of disseminated parasitic, metastatic, peritoneal and peritoneal leiomyomatosis: a complex approach. The Peruvian Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 70(2). https://doi.org/10.31403/rpgo.v70i2633



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