Surrogacy, are we prepared in Peru? A reflection from an ethical point of view


  • Virginia A. Garaycochea Cannon Unidad de Cuidados Paliativos Pediátricos del Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño; Sociedad Peruana de Pediatría



Surrogate mothers, Gestational mothers, Ethics


The development of medical technology makes possible incredible procedures
that modify the conceptions of life and death. The beginning of biological life with
conception and the consideration of the beginning of the human person question the
limits that should be established in consideration of the respect for the dignity of the
person. Assisted reproduction techniques have been evolving, creating expectations
for the best results and opening possibilities of parenthood to couples and single
persons. The recognition of sexual and reproductive rights was a milestone that
led to the realization of surrogacy or surrogate motherhood. However, ethical and
legal conflicts have arisen in which the basic issues are the respect for the rights of
the persons involved and the different cultural and economic contexts in which this
medical practice is developed. The various legislations that have arisen range from
lax, permissive and utilitarian to conservative positions. Between the two, there are
a series of nuances, where ethical reflection looks for the best courses of action,
considering the principle of reality and always considering respect for the rights and
dignity of the people involved.


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How to Cite

Garaycochea Cannon, V. A. . (2023). Surrogacy, are we prepared in Peru? A reflection from an ethical point of view. The Peruvian Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 69(2).



Simposio - Bioética y Atención de la Salud Sexual y Reproductiva