Person-Centered Obstetric Care


  • Luis Távara Orozco Médico ginecoobstetra, FACOG, Presidente del Comité de Derechos sexuales y Reproductivos SPOG, ex – Presidente de SPOG, Ex – Presidente de la Sociedad Peruana de Fertilidad, Académico de Número de la Academia Peruana de Cirugía, Editor Científico de la RPGO, Miembro Honorario de 6 Sociedades de Obstetricia y Ginecología de América Latina, Ex – Director Ejecutivo de FLASOG, Ex - Jefe del Departamento Materno-Infantil, UNFV, Maestro Latinoamericano de Ginecología y Obstetricia, Medalla al Mérito Extraordinario del CMP, Ex – Viceministro de Salud.



The Code of Ethics of the Peruvian Medical Association states that medicine is a
scientific and humanistic profession. Person-Centered Care is now recognized as
a fundamental component of quality medical care because numerous beneficial
outcomes have been observeds for patients, family members and providers.
Objective: To explore the artuments for person-centered medicine in order
to incorporate it into our specialty and contribute to improving obstetric care.
Methodology: Non-systematic review of the literature with selection of 72 references
to construct this trial. Results: Over time, women have been attended by other
women during childbirth. However, in hospitals around the world continuous
support during labor has often become the exception. Currently, women deliver in a
private setting with no one to accompany them, a situation to be changed, according
to the evidence. The WHO recommends respectful maternity care and refers to care
that maintains dignity, privacy and professional secrecy ensures freedom that no
harm or abuse is done and allows informed choice and ongoing support during labor
and delivery. Conclusion: The literature review shows that person-centered obstetric
care improves maternal and perinatal health.


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How to Cite

Távara Orozco, L. . (2023). Person-Centered Obstetric Care. The Peruvian Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 69(2).



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