Urinary incontinence. Pathophysiology of urination.


  • Arturo Achard Montevideo, Uruguay




In short, we wish to set some basic concepts of this long chapter of the pathophysiology of SUI as follows: For urinary continence can take place under normal conditions requires a normality of the structures that make up the vesico-urethral anatomical whole, and the whole group of muscles, ligaments and fascia of the pelvic-perineal region. It is essential that the central nervous system and neuro-vegetative system to ensure its normal normal sphincter and detrusor function. It is important to note that the deterioration of urinary continence favoring birth trauma involving the displacement of the urethra, being away from the pubis, and the emergence of viscero-pelvic prolapse at different degrees. The trophic factor linked to the age of the patient and influenced by hormonal deficiencies can be a flattering because the onset of the disorder. To be accorded importance as predisposing to alterations sub-pubic angle factor. It is very important that there is a greater than Intraurethral intravesical pressure and an adequate length of the urethra. It should emphasize the importance of abnormal drop the proximal urethra sector to be normally out embudización intraabdominal and effort. That the effects of abnormal urine output is important that the urethral orifice is located ahead of the point of maximum hydrostatic pressure.


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How to Cite

Achard, A. (2015). Urinary incontinence. Pathophysiology of urination. The Peruvian Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 18(1-2-3), 89–101. https://doi.org/10.31403/rpgo.v18i1464