Critical judgment and results of induction and conduction of labor


  • Roberto Caldeyro Barcía Sociedad Ginecológica de Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Hermógenes Alvarez Sociedad Ginecológica de Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Juan Poseiro Sociedad Ginecológica de Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Serafin Pose Sociedad Ginecológica de Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Luis Cibils Sociedad Ginecológica de Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Yamandu Sica Blanco Sociedad Ginecológica de Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Miguel Carballo Sociedad Ginecológica de Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Carlos Mendes Baur Sociedad Ginecológica de Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay
  • V. Gonzalez Panizza Sociedad Ginecológica de Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Carlos Fielitz Sociedad Ginecológica de Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay



Induction and conduction of labor will be treated together because in both cases, the obstetrician pursues the same three main objectives: 1. uterine contractility acquire and retain the characteristics of perfectly normal delivery, which are those that allow cervical dilation and effect delivery in the shortest and with the least time to the fetus suffocation. Dissemination intravenous oxytocin in physiological doses, is the best method for increasing uterine contractility and impart values and characters you have on the normal delivery. According which is practiced before or after the onset of labor is considered being performed induction or acceleration thereof. 2. uterine contractions are maximized for the progress of labor, which is achieved by artificial rupture of membranes, when the expansion has reached 2 cm. 3. That the mother see minimized the pain and anxiety that accompany childbirth with minor depression of the respiratory center and the fetal oxygenation of maternal bloodstream, without suppression effort of pushing. This is achieved by infusing i / v associated continuous analgesic (Demerol type) and ataraxics (promazine type).


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How to Cite

Caldeyro Barcía, R., Alvarez, H., Poseiro, J., Pose, S., Cibils, L., Sica Blanco, Y., Carballo, M., Mendes Baur, C., Gonzalez Panizza, V., & Fielitz, C. (2015). Critical judgment and results of induction and conduction of labor. The Peruvian Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 5(2), 88–142.



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