Multiple pregnancy.


  • Luis E. Tang Departamento de Gineco-obstetricia, UPCH Hospital A. Loayza, Lima
  • Juan F. Mere Departamento de Gineco-obstetricia, UPCH Hospital A. Loayza, Lima



OBJECTIVE: To know the characteristics of multiple pregnancies in a Limenian hospital. DESIGN: Descriptive retrospective study of multiple pregnancy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 222 multiple pregnancies attended at Arzobispo Loqyza National Hospital betweenjanuary 1, 1991 and December 31, 1995. RESULTS: There were 219 twin and 3 triple pregnancies, maternal ages between 15 and 42. Only 63.5% bad adequate prenatal control, diagnosis was done by ultrasound in 73.4% and during delivery in 1-53%. There was past history of multiple pregnancy in 29.7%. In 49.1 % gestation did not reach term and most frequent associated pathologies were anemia, preeclampsia and threatened preterm labor. Pregnancy enden by cesarean section in 113, due to fetal malposition (38.5%), preeclampsia (25.5%) and premature rupture of membranes (11.1%). In 79.7% interval of birth between twins was 15 minutes or less and 83.5% of placentas were biamniotic. Anemia (18. 1%), endometritis (4.5%) adn urinary tract infection (3.6%) were found postpartum and two puerperal hysterectomies from uterine atony were performed. Most frequent neonatal complications were hyaline membrane disease (10. 7%) and physiological jaundice (7.6%) Perinatal mortality was 123 per one thousand live newborns.


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How to Cite

Tang, L. E., & Mere, J. F. (2015). Multiple pregnancy. The Peruvian Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 42(3), 33–41.



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